Fernpeople- Sample Chapter

Here is an excerpt from my book, Fernpeople:

Five pregnant sheep stood uneasily under a tree, staring toward the nearby farmhouse. Early morning light was slowly taking over their part of Montaland, the mountain world. It was usually a peaceful time, even for the noisy family who lived in the farmhouse, but this morning shouts burst out of the windows, shouts that got louder and louder until they abruptly stopped. Then the sound of somebody crying could be heard. 

The largest of the ewes began waddling away, her enormous body indicating twins, if not triplets. The other three followed, stomachs swinging from side to side, as they got as far from the disturbance as the small pasture allowed. 

They were just in time. The front door of the farmhouse slammed as a boy left. It popped open again right away, and a young man leaned out of the doorway.

For the rest of Chapter 1, Click here: Sample Chapter 1 Fernpeople