Under the Golden Mists- Sample Chapter

Here is an excerpt from Under the Golden Mists [Book 2 of the Tarth Series]:

In the middle of the night, Lacht woke up; at least, she thought she did,
but she wasn’t in the tent anymore. She stood in the middle of vague, wavy
things—then her vision cleared, and the wavy things took on the shape of
long, dark red leaves.

Tarth’s leaves were always blue except for a brief time in autumn, when
they turned purple or pink. The unnatural color of these leaves bothered
Lacht, even in her dream, and she cringed away from their touch. The red
leaves grew unnaturally long too, because they started high above her and
waved and curled all the way to her feet.

Without warning, something outside of the leaves started coming
toward her, something that threw fear knives at her. She twisted in agony
as the knives cut into her mind.

Suddenly someone shrieked, “Help me! Please help me. I can’t get out. Help—”

Click here to read more of Under the Golden Mists‘ Sample Chapter: Under the Golden Mists- Sample Chapter 3.