The Opal Cavern- Sample Chapter

Here is an except from The Opal Cavern [Book 3 of the Tarth Series]:

Curl slid down from Grand’s broad back and moaned.
The tall stallion with the dark-gray back and blaze had been well-
named. Even as a foal, he had towered above the colts in his part of the
woods. When he grew up, he stood head and shoulders above every other
horse in the Stalli Mountain Range.

Mindik had put Curl on Grand because of his smooth gaits. A
smoothly gaited horse was easier to learn on, the expedition leader had
assured her. Since she had never ridden a horse before this trip, Grand
was the best choice for her. The other Stallis on the exploration team had
agreed with him. Curl hadn’t. In her opinion a rather important fact had
been overlooked. The stallion’s back was a mile wide. She had moaned deeply
after her first day of riding. Now ten days into the trip, she was still moaning as
she dismounted.

As soon as she finished her moan, she grumbled, “Sitting all day
ought not to hurt. Where’s my salve?”

To read more, click here: The Opal Cavern Sample Chapter 5.